The Bible is a collection of 66 writings spanning 1600 years from about 40 writers, all inspired and breathed out by God through the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal The Bible is inspired by God but also the result of Because Jesus said so… and because it brings a promised Beginner (never read any of it) - Find someone to read one of the Gospels with. Novice (read some of it) - Find someone to read through the New Testament with. Advanced (read regularly but never the whole thing) - Find someone to read thru the Bible in a year with Nerd (read the whole thing) - Find someone to do a Book Saturation with Book Saturation: Pick a book to read the same chapter every day for a week with. Meet weekly to talk about what God is teaching you. Book saturation ideas: Romans, Matthew, Genesis, 1 and 2 Samuel, 2 Corinthians What is the Bible? Where did the Bible come from? When are we to read the Bible? Why is the Bible so important? How do I read my Bible?